
This is a commons project.

Always was, always is, always will be. Anywhere we create gardens on this continent, we must acknowledge we are growing food on stolen land. For thousands of years prior to colonisation these lands have been deeply connected to, cared for and cultivated. For 250 years there has been ongoing connection and fierce resistance to colonialism and capitalisms disastrous destruction of local food systems and the enclosing of common land. We are on the stolen lands of the Wurrundjeri, Woi Wurrung people of the Kulin nations. We pay our deepest respects to all knowledge holders in First Nation’s communities, Elders and spirits of the waterways, skies, plants, animals and the land.

Food should be free. We resist the commodification of food systems and dream of a world in which everyone’s basic needs are met no matter what. Our gardens have no membership fees, no leases, no plot fees. The food is not for sale, it is free to take and this garden is 100% volunteer run.
The commodification and costs of food as a basic need has been weaponsied by capitalism and states. Food prices are arbitrary numbers manipulated by market capitalism to bring profit to big business giants like woolworths whilst ripping off farmers, distribution workers and consumers. We reject these systems of oppression and are working towards a world where food is local and accessible.

No bosses – non hierarchical and community led. We believe that we can work as a community to address our own needs.  We use consensus to make decisions. Hierarchical decision making lacks consent. We know consent for decisions makes us stronger, more creative and more resilient. We do not allow harmful and dominating behaviour in our organising and gardening. Additionally, no bosses means no external bosses we don’t collaborate with council, cops or corporations. We are aware of informal hierarchies developing through organsing and constantly strive to break them down. Value to the collective is not judged on people’s work contributed.

Mistakes are welcome. Gardening and grassroots organising are experiences in learning. We do not expect, nor uphold perfection. It is expected and encouraged that we will make mistakes through our time in this space. This is okay and a useful tool for learning. Experimenting in community is valuable.

Solidarity. The collective is connected to a broader network of social change and community led resistance projects. We aim to connect with and stand in solidarity with direct action and mutual aid networks on this continent and globally. We welcome invites of collaboration, support and the space is for all to use in alignment with the outlined values. 

This garden belongs to all of us, we are all welcome if we all welcome each other. We oppose the existence of property and borders and any oppression and discrimination such as racism and bigotry that comes along with such.

Healthy food for all! Reclaim the commons!